“...the Client's satisfaction determines our decisions...”
“...we fill the Client’s orders quickly and effectively...”
“...from start to finish we stay in touch with the employee...”
“...we will strengthen the human resources at your company in no time...”
0 clients |
0 recruited employees |
0 candidates in the database |
0 years in the market |
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0 we operate in 5 countries |
Małopolska 5/11Str.
70-513 Szczecin
tel./fax +48 91 812 12 36
Wały Piastowskie 1 Str office 1110 A
80-958 Gdańsk
tel./fax +48 58 304 71 42
Foreign department: +48 660 590 835
SALES DEPARTMENT: +48 660 44 34 87